Bulletin No 3 : 7 September 2001


1 Changes to Regulations for Classic Reliability Trial

Article 10.1 (a) amend to read "Missing a Main Control altogether: 3,000 marks"

2 Changes to Regulations for 4x4 Adventure Drive

Add to Article A2.8: 4x4 Teams

Groups of three vehicles may form teams and register with the Organisers for the fee of GBP10 per vehicle. If all members of the team are awarded individual Gold Medals, then the team will also be presented with a Gold Team Award. Crews are encouraged to form teams of similar vehicles, or other affinity groupings. Team entries will be accepted up until the close of Documentation in Rio de Janeiro.

3 Medical Questionnaire

Enclosed is a medical questionnaire. Please use this to inform the event medics of any relevant information. This is of course voluntary and totally confidential. You should mail completed forms direct to Dr Greg Williams at 48 Chester Road, Wrexham, LL11 2SD, UK (mark the envelope PRIVATE - INCA TRAIL), or hand them personally to any of the medical team in Rio.

4 Additional Map Book Order Form

If you would like to purchase an additional Rallymaps Map Book, or would like to upgrade the standard issue item to a laminated version, please use the enclosed form and return it direct to Rallymaps.

5 Roadbooks, Map Books and Rooming Lists

Despite the delays with the final route survey caused partly by the Peruvian earthquake, we are currently planning to send you the first volumes of the Roadbook and Rallymaps Map Book on 17 September. These will be sent by Royal Mail Special Delivery to all UK based participants, and by express courier to all others. If you have any special delivery instructions, it is essential that you let us know as soon as possible.

Individual rooming lists will now be distributed on or around 17 September. A copy will be faxed to all non-UK participants. Meanwhile, to enable you to inform family, friends and colleagues of your movements, I attach a list of Rally HQ hotels in each city. These are marked with an asterisk (*) where all participants are staying in the same establishment.

6 Collection of Vehicles at Rio Docks

The arrangements that we have made for collection of vehicles at Rio docks are fully in place for Wednesday 3 and Thursday 4 October. On these dates, vehicles must be collected in batches of 10, at 30 minute intervals during the day. A list of collection times will be posted in Rally HQ

You are asked to meet up with other drivers collecting their cars approx 30 minutes before your due tie in the foyer of the hotel, to share taxis.

Please note the following important points:

An Inca Trail desk will be set up during these times in the car shed. This will be manned by

Staff of Multi-Rio, the warehouse operators, will also be in attendence

Because it is difficult and costly to bring these people together, we have to run to a planned schedule.

We have just received confirmation from Brazil that it will be possible to collect some vehicles on the afternoon of Tuesday 2 October, at no extra cost. If you wish to take advantage of this please let us know as soon as possible. This will be done on a first come, first served basis.

Additionally, please advise us if you have any preference between Wednesday 3 or Thursday 4. If you do not advise us, we will allocate you a date and time to collect your vehicle. If you have not told us that you are arriving before Thursday morning, your allocated time will be on Thursday.

If you have a particular need to collect your vehicle outside these times, please contact our agent Carlos Portella by fax or email on +55 21 25 18 37 22/[email protected]. You will be liable for any extra costs involved.

7 Friends and Family email list

Let us keep your friends and family up to date with the progress of the Inca Trail after it leaves Rio by e-mailing them our regular event bulletins direct from South America. These will be brief and will not mention more than a handful of participants each time.

To be fair to everyone, we can accept a maximum of six addresses per crew member (even so, that will mean about 1,200 people being mailed if everyone takes up the offer!) If you want more people to know how the event is going, perhaps someone at home or in your office can offer to re-transmit to the rest we cannot take care of?

Please e-mail your list of contacts to [email protected] with "Inca Friends and Family" in the subject header so that we can readily identify the message then copy and paste the addresses, as we do not have the resource to retype this information. Please do not include other messages with this list, or put your list at the end of another e-mail!

Do also check with your friends that they wish to receive these updates before passing their details on - especially business e-mails: we don't want to upset their bosses ...

8 Post-event commemorative book

When it's all done and dusted - but before it's just a distant memory - each crew member paid-up to travel the full route distance will receive a special souvenir limited edition book of the event - a permanent memento of the places, faces and experiences of this 15,000 mile challenge.

The stars of the book - and its authors - will be yourselves. We will write to you as soon as we all return home, asking for your written (and photographic!) contributions. But before the start we will give you a small notebook: 'Memory Joggings'. Keep this handy throughout the event: if you see something you'd like to include, note it down right away! 15,000 miles is a long way to store everything in your mind...

Best regards

John Brown
Clerk of the Course